Documentation and articles
Scientific articles about Retroplast:
MUNKSGAARD EC, RUD J, Asmussen E: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. I. Adaptation and bond strength. The Dental Journal 1989;93:157-160.
ANDREASEN JO, RUD J, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. II. Preliminary histological studies of tissue reactions in monkeys. The Dental Journal 1989;93:195-197.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. III. Indication and possible uses. The Dental Journal 1989;93:223-229.
RUD J , ANDREASEN JO, RUD V: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. IV. Healing rate compared to retrograde amalgam. The Dental Journal 1989;93:267-273.
RUD J, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. V. Analysis of failed cases. The Dental Journal 1989;93:343-350.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde root filling with plastic and dentin binder. WE. Surgical technique. The Dental Journal 1989;93:401-405.
RUD J, MUNKSGAARD EC, RUD V: Retrograde root filling with dentin binder and plastic. In: Odontologi 90' (E. Hjørting-Hansen, Ed.) Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1990, pp 141-153.
RUD J, MUNKSGAARD EC, ANDREASEN JO, RUD V, ASMUSSEN E: Retrograde root filling with composite and a dentin bonding agent I. Endod Dent Traumatol.1991; 7: 118–125.
RUD J, MUNKSGAARD EC, ANDREASEN JO, RUD V: Retrograde root filling with composite and a dentin bonding agent II. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1991;7:126-131.
AMBUS C, MUNKSGAARD EC: Dentin bonding agents for retrograde filling. Am J Dent 1993;6:35-38.
ANDREASEN JO, MUNKSGAARD EC, FREDEBO L, RUD J: Periodontal tissue regeneration including cementogenesis adjacent to dentin bonded retrograde composite fillings in humans. J Endodon 1993;19:151-153.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Long term evaluation of retrograde root filling with dentin-bonded resin composites. J Endodon 1996;22:90-93.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde root filling with dentin-bonded modified resin composite. J Endodon 1996;22:477-480.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Effect of root canal contents on healing of teeth with dentin-bonded resin composite retrograde seal. J Endodon. 1997;23:535-541.
RUD J, RUD V: Surgical endodontics of upper molars: Relation to the maxillary sinus and operation in acute state of infection. J Endod 1998;24:260-261.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Retrograde sealing of accidental root perforations with dentin-bonded composite resin. J Endodon 1998;24:671-677.
RUD J, RUD V, MUNKSGAARD EC: Periapical healing of mandibular molars after retrograde sealing with dentine-bonded composite. Int Endod J 2001;34:285-292.
JENSEN SS, TOFT PG, SCHOU S, NATTESTAD A: Selection of material for retrograde root canal filling. A literature review. Tandlægebladet 2000;104:138-146.
JENSEN SS, NATTESTAD A, EGDØ P, SEVERING I, MUNKSGAARD EC SCHOU S: A prospective, randomized, comparative study of resin composite and glass ionomer cement for retrograde root filling. Clin Oral Invest 2002;6:236-243.
JENSEN SS, SCHOU S: Retrograde root filling with composite plastic or glass ionomer cement. A prospective randomized clinical trial. Tandlægebladet 2004;108:412-417.
VON ARX T, JENSEN SS, HÄNNI S: Clinical and radiographic assessment of various predictors for healing outcome 1 year after periapical surgery. J Endodon 2007;33:123-128.
YAZDI PM, SCHOU S, JENSEN SS, STOLTZE K, KENRAD B, SEWERIN I: Dentine-bonded resin composite (Retroplast) for root-end filling: a prospective clinical and radiographic study with a mean follow-up period of 8 years; Int Endod J 40;7:493-503
VON ARX T, HÄNNI S, JENSEN SS: Apical surgery with root-end filling. Clinical results with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and an adhesive resin composite (Retroplast). J Endodon 2010;36:1122-1129.
VON ARX T, JENSEN SS, HÄNNI S: Five-year longitudinal assessment of the prognosis of apical microsurgery. J Endodon 2012;38:570-579.
SAXENA P: Biocompatibility of root-end filling materials_ recent update Restor Dent Endod. 2013 Aug; 38(3): 119-127
VON ARX T, HÄNNI S, JENSEN SS: 5-year results comparing mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and adhesive resin composite (COMP) for root-end sealing in apical surgery. J Endodon 2014;40:1077-1081.
VON ARX T: Die Retroplast Technique, Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 2005
KRAUS RD, VON ARX T, GFELLER D DUCOMMUN J, JENSEN SS: Assessment of the non-operated root after apical surgery of the other root in mandibular molars. J Endodon 2015;41:442-446.
HC SEEDAT, PJ VAN DER VYVER, FA DE WET. Micro-endodontic surgery part 2. Root-end filling materials – A literature review, SADJ 2018;73:336-342
FRIEDMANN, S: The prognosis and expected outcome of apical surgery. Endodontic Topics 2005. Vol 11, 219-262
RUD V. MUNKSGAARD EC: Healing after retrograde root sealing of molars in the lower jaw Tandlægebladet 2002, 106, 11, p882-888
MEETUR et al. Outcome of endodontic surgery, a metaanalysis of the Literature—Part 3: Comparison of Endodontic Microsurgical Techniques with 2 Different Root-end Filling Materials. J Endodon 2018, 44, 923-931